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DANIEL OSBOURNE played by Seth Green
Daniel, better known as Oz first came into Buffy in series 2 'Inca Mummy Girl, where he was playing in his band 'Dingoes Ate My Baby' at the Bronze. This is where he first notices Willow and is stunned by her. He saw her again in 'Halloween' and wonders who she is. He finally gets to meet her when two mysterious computer guys try to recruit the both of them at the career fair in 'Whats my Line' They finally get to talking and start dating not long after that, he takes it very slow though as he can see she still had feelings for Xander. Oz then finds out he is a warewolf in 'Phases' and Willows see's him change, even though a bit scared at first, she tells him she still wants to be with him anyway and the two get together officially. Oz later came back to Sunnydale high to finish school. Oz soon became a member of the scoobies mostly helping out with transport. Oz and Willow nearly split up when he found her kissing Xander whilst trapped at Spikes place. They managed to work through it. They had there first intimate moment at Graduation as they might die. Oz was later kidnapped by the Initative when they found out he was a warewolf and Riley and the gang broke him out but not after being poked and prodded and tested on. Oz and Willow did end up splitting up in series 4 when Oz meets Veruca (also a warewolf) and are found after having wolf hanky panky together. Oz leaves soon after this and goes round the world to get himself sorted, obviously this devistated Willow. He returned to Sunnydale in 'New Moon Rising' after spending time with monks who have helped him control the wolf in him. He attempts to win Willow back but realises after meeting Tara and smelling Willow on her clothes that she is already in another relationship, with a woman, much to his supprise. This revalation tips the balance on the control thing and he turns, going after Tara in the process. After this he relises that it's Willow that causes his wolf to come out and that he should be as far away from her as possible. So he leaves again.


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