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TARA MACLAY played by Amber Benson
Tara first came into Buffy in series Four, 'Hush', when she met Willow at Sunnydale UC, whilst both attending the same wicca meeting. The two of them started doing spells together and became very good friends, after a while it turned into a lot more than a friendship as the two of them share a kiss. Tara is a very shy girl also very quiet, she doesnt meet the rest of the gang until later on but unfortunatley she meets Faith in Buffy's body and was treated very badly, but she knew something was wrong because she can read aura's. She eventially does get to meet the real Buffy and is treated much nicer. After a while she started joining the scooby meetings and became a part of the gang. When Oz came back to Sunndale Tara thought that Willow wanted him back and backed off until Willow told her how much she loved her and they had a great relationship after that, she even moved into Buffy's house with Willow and all was perfect until Willow started using to much magic and Tara was very unhappy about it, knowing where it might lead. So when talking to her didnt work Tara ended the relationship and moved out. Even though Tara was no longer with Willow she still stuck around popping in on the scoobies to help out or spend time with Dawn. She was always around if anyone needed to talk about their problems. Tara later bumped into Willow at sunnydale UC and they started talking again and they finally got back together and were really really happy until Tara was shot by Warren. Willow tried to bring her back but it was no good as she died of human means.


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