Letter to a Speckly Fish

2 Conversations

Hi there!

I've just read your page with interest. It ails me to find that mushrooms are low on your list of favourite foodstuffs, as I now feel I have little to offer you in the way of fungi. The only recourse I have is to invite you to share my Athlete's Foot next time I have an attack, but I fear that not only will that be sometime in Summer 2004, but it would also make a very unsatisfactory meal.

So, I am left thinking, what else could I be said to have in common with you. I read that you have sometime given birth to a kitten called Pud. Also, I have given birth to a kitten called Pud, only I chose to do so via the means of a willing donorcat deep in the Vale of Glamorgan. Suffice to say, it went well, and the forceps were only used as a means of incentive.

Further to this, I see you're a homo, a writer, fond of Virginia and her woolf and several other points of interest which may be of interest to a very many, but not all at once.

Oh, and you're a miner. Hmmm.

I can only deduce that we must be the same person, and that I suffer from a bizarre disorder, in which although I have two personalities, they are the same. Welcome to my world, little fish.


The above was composed without recourse to dictionaries, thesauri or associted paper products. All rights reserved for a period of twenty-eight days upon receipt of a valid ninth class stamped depressed envelope and deposit of money, goods and/or services totaling not less than £73.50. Euros will be accepted, as will any currency suficiently colourful to provide an interior decorating orgy. Should you wish to contact us, please call any old number, as we are not accesable by phone. Have a rice day.

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