Salt Lake City (SLC), UT, USA

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Salt Lake City is a place to go only in the winter. You can go in the summer and drive down to those dry and dusty national parks (like Arches), but I believe that if you do not like hot and dusty hikes to see sandstone in wierd shapes, you should come in the winter. Winter Olympics in 2002 will be held in SLC (just to prove my point). The snow is the greatest in SLC. If you like skiing, and you don't want to fly to Switzerland, go to Utah. Park City (about a 45 minute drive) has the most tourists. Most of the resorts are located in Park City, or Big and Little Cottonwood canyons.
However, if you like hot, dusty trips to see sandstone in wierd shapes, come in the summer. The rocks "are beautiful" in the evening. The parks names are Zion, Arches, Bryce, etc. (I've only ever been to Arches so sue me). In Arches, the sandstone is in huge arches, hence the name. Other places have stubby little pieces of sandstone, etc.
Utah is the home of LDS people, or mormons. If you ask what LDS stands for, it beats me because I'm not one. The main mormon tabernacle is downtown SLC. The mormon wards (churches) are almost everywhere. The way you can tell is it has no cross and it says "The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints". If you are not LDS and you are visiting for a while, there is plenty of Christian churches, also.
The food in SLC is pretty good. Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) originated in Utah. This means you can see the very first one if you can find it. SLC as fast food in abundance. The main fast food is McDonald's and Arby's. La Salsa just opened a bunch of mexican food establishments in Utah. There is also a handful of fine food establishment in the area.
Utah's roads are very organized. Instead of names, they mostly have numbers. For example, If you want a certain store that's on 2700 S and 490 W, then it is 2700 measurements south of the LDS tabernacle and 490 measurements west. Great way to find stuff, huh?
Getting there is easy to explain. Fly in to the SLC airport or drive in to SLC itself. The SLC airport is really big. It is one of Delta's main stops.

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