Computers and intelligence

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It's a very frightening thing. To give you an example, my PC has reasonably current upgrades(as far back as late 1998, not too bad really) and yet I find people who can hollow-point me in games like SiN and Half-Life while my PC is still drawing the sprites! It has become a life of it's own. They compute taxes, store inventory, and how far your hairline may recede in ten years. Games are getting larger every three months (I've found some weighing in at 140 MB, an insanely long time to wait even for cable modems). All the while making the machines smaller and smaller. Cyberlife, the Cambridge-based Artificial Life Company famous for bringing artificial(if not realistic) life to the home computer, is already toiling away on a prequel to their hit games Creatures 1 and 2, with more genetics, life, and diversity than you could shake a mouse at. Also computers are considered a wide-spread household item, coming in second to the refridgerator and microwave in some places. Another example is Nintendo and it's new project undertaking, Dolphin. This is a Playstation-crushing, 256-BIT, DVD-playing system that might just knock all other stations (including Sega Dreamcast and Playstation 1 & 2) back to the stone age. At least for another two years...

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