Buffy - Did you know?

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Buffy's advice to Kendra about the types of films not to watch on the flight, anything with Chevy Chase or a dog was a reference to a film that Sarah starred in with Chevy Chase in 1988 called 'Funny Farm'.

It's widely believed that Faith's reference to counting down from 730 is meant to signify what happens to Buffy at the end of season 5. 730 days=2years.

Spike was only meant to be a season bad guy, he was going to be killed off, but Joss kept the character after realising how popular he ws with fans.

Apparently Alyson hated the idea of 'OMWF', she was worried that her voice wouldn't be good enough and begged Joss to give her the smallest amount of singing.

Nicholas Brendon's twin brother was used in 'Intervention' as Nick was too ill to work.

The first episode to prompt a public service announcement was 'Earshot'. The episode also had a delayed broadcasting date, because it was due to come out a week after the Columbine High School shootings.

In 'Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered' Buffy was turned into a rat so that Sarah could host 'Saturday Night Live'.

Alyson Hannigan wasn't originally cast in the role of Willow. Riff Regan was originally cast in the role.

Katie Holmes, Selma Blair & Charisma Carpenter all auditioned for the role of Buffy.

Seth Green appeared as a vampire in the original Buffy movie, but his parts were cut, although he does appear on the video box.

In 'OMWF' when Buffy says, 'Dawn's in trouble, it must be Tuesday', is a reference to it's UPN time slot.

Sarah and Alyson are the only two characters to have appeared in every episode.

In the season 7 finale 'Chosen', Giles makes reference to a hellmouth in Cleveland. Something that was touched on in the Season 3 episode 'The Wish'.

'Welcome To The Hellmouth' (Obviously), 'The Body' & 'Conversations With Dead People', did not start with the usual 'Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and the episode 'Two To Go' actually replaced the usual text with 'This is what happened this year'.

Amy rat was actually a boy rat as was the Buffy rat.

The Mutant Enemy Monsters 'Grr-Argh' was changed in 6 episodes.
Becoming, part 2: Says, "Aw. I need a hug".
Amends: wearing a chrstmas hat.
Graduation Day, part 2: wearing a mortar board.
Once More With Feeling: sings the Grr Argh.
Storyteller: sings "We are as gods".
Chosen: looks directly at the camera.

In 'Restless', when Tara says 'Be back before Dawn', it is a reference to the arrival of Buffy's new sister, Dawn.

In 'Lies My Parents Told Me', Spike makes reference to his mother's personal Physician, a Dr. Gull. Dr. Gull was the personal Physician to the royal family during the Jack the Ripper killings and was widely believed to be the ripper himself.

Ranked No. 3 in TV Guides list of "25 top cult shows ever".

In the episode 'Seeing Red', Amber Benson appears in the credits for the first and last time, as this was the episode where she died.

Spikes mothers name was Anne

The cocktails that Willow and Kennedy were drinking in 'The Killer In Me' were actually real cocktails. Shooting had to be postponed when they became too drunk to continue.

Joss Whedon didn't want someone of Amber Bensons stature to play Tara, it was Marti Noxon who pushed for her to be cast in the role.

The Gentlemen were voted #25 in Channel 4's '100 Scariest Moments.

On Bravo's '100 Greatest Tv Characters', Buffy came in at number 13

While speaking at the 'Wizard World, Chicago' convention, Joss revealed that he planned to bring the character of Tara back, the episode would have centered around Buffy being granted a life altering wish. She would have struggled throughout the entire episode with her decision and reveals to Willow at the end that she got a new pair of shoes. Willow would have asked if she'd used her last wish to get the shoes and Buffy would have told her; "No silly" and would have stepped aside to reveal Tara. The plan was abandoned when Amber Benson was unavailable for filming.

The deaths of both Joyce Summers and Cassie Newton were the only natural deaths in the entire show

Teeth, the shark-like demon in the beginning of 'Tabula Rasa' is a loan shark!

In 'Once More With Feeling', Willow sings; "I've got a theory, some kid is dreaming, and we're all stuck inside his wacky Broadway nightmare." This is a reference to the season one episode, 'Nightmares'

In April 2002, TV Guide named Buffy the Vampire Slayer as one of the 50 greatest shows of all time!

In the Season Six episode, 'Bargaining, pt 1', Willow, Xander and Dawn all wore shirts with numbers on. Despite their best efforts, fans couldn't decifer the 'hidden meaning' and bombarded the show with letters. Joss said in an interview that there was no meaning to the numbers, it was just how the wardrobe department had chosen to dress them

The character of Robin Wood was given a unisex name as it wasn't decided whether the character would be male or female. That decision was only made when DB Woodside auditioned

The 'C' in James. C. Leary's name stands for Charles.

Joss' birth name is Joseph.

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