Created | Updated Mar 21, 2002
Firstly there is the common itch. This can be easily scratched and goes away instantly.
The next is the sneaky itch. Although not the worst this type, when scratched, moves around the sufferers body witch becomes extremely annoying.
The final type is the under the skin, full body, complete and utter, rip your skin off and stamp on it, b*****d type. This type can only be soothed, as far as I know, by waiting it out or the patented ripping the skin off technique.
Itching can be caused by nearly anything. Anything such as, rashes, insects, dry grass, the hair that falls down the back of your T-shirt after you have had a haircut and can't be got at by that small brush they wave around, and suchlike.
As an aid to help sufferers of this terrible affliction many a device has been invented to cope with the area in the small of the back. These are little more than small rake like sticks and are completely useless. I would personally recommend rubbing against a tree except you look like a bit of a t**t. This method should only be used as a last resort.