Anthony Stewart Head (Bio)

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Our watcher was born on 20th February, 1954 in Camden Town, London and grew up in Hampton, just outside London. Many of us English fans remember Anthony as the smooth coffee guy in the series of Nescafe adverts in the 80's.

Anthony studied the business at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, and got his first role as Jesus (Yes, Jesus) in a West End play called "Godspell". He went on to star in a number of theater productions including, "Rope", "Julius Ceasar", "The Heiress" and Peter Schaffer's "Yonadab" at the Royal National Theater.

Anthony's TV credits include BBC productions like, "Secret Army", "Bergerac", "Howards Way and "Pulaski". He was a regular cast member in the Sci-Fi show "VR-5", and had guest starring roles in "Highlander" and the critically acclaimed "N.Y.P.D.Blue", and many, many more...

His film credits include "A Prayer For Dying", "Lady Chatterley's Lover" and "Royce" alongside Jim Belushi.

The Watcher, Watched

He has a tattoo on the back of his left shoulder.

As well as Nescafe adverts, he appeared in a revised version for Tasters Choice coffee, in the U.S.

In 1983, he was in a band named "To Way", who released a single with three songs.

He enjoys horse riding, playing the piano, scuba diving, guitar and stage fighting.

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