Special Scrapbooks

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Nearly all scrapbookers have a scrapbook showing off their Christmas pictures. But, other holidays can be worth chronicling, too. Especially if you have children, Halloween is a great holiday to scrapbook about.

Halloween Is Full Of Photo Opportunities

The Halloween season is a great time for taking pictures. Take pictures of your family decorating for the holiday, picking out or making their costumes, even raking leaves. And, by all means, take a trip to one of those pumpkin farms, to pick out your family’s special pumpkin. Then, take more pictures when the carving begins. All of these days leading up to Halloween can make great scrapbook pages in addition to the pictures actually taken on Halloween night.

Scrapbooking Stores Are Full Of Halloween Ideas

Another great thing about making a Halloween scrapbook is that there are lots of great embellishments for Halloween. Your scrapbook store will be filled with papers, stencils, stickers and frames to dress up your Halloween pages. Even if you have just a few pictures, these great embellishments can turn them into a one-of-a-kind page. You can find embellishments that resemble the costumes your children have chosen for the year, and create pages devoted to their character.

Review Past Holidays Each Year

Part of the fun of having a Halloween scrapbook is that you can revisit past years each time you pull the book out. It’s great to remember the costumes from years past, and how your children, and their interests have grown and changed. Try to have one or two “yearly shots” for comparison. For instance, at my house we always take pictures of our jack-o-lanterns, and each year we try for a new face. Our Halloween scrapbook has a page each year devoted just to the jack-o-lantern faces for that season. It’s great fun each year to take out our scrapbook and review so that we don’t duplicate a face from years past.

Your Halloween scrapbook can easily become one of the family’s favorite traditions of the season. So, get out those orange and black pages, and those leaf stickers, and get cropping.

- Scrapbook of Christmas Past

The Perfect Holiday Gift

So, you’re wondering what to buy this holiday season for your sister who has everything? Well, consider making a scrapbook from Christmases past, to bring back all the great memories from this special holiday season.

Have A Theme If you’re like most people, you have scads of Christmas pictures, both from recent years and your own childhood. Try organizing the pictures by year, and chronicle as many years as possible. If you can find a theme to tie each year together, it will make the book even more special. For example, every year on Christmas Eve, my entire family gathers at my parents for dinner and gift opening.

I created a scrapbook for my Mother, comprised solely of pictures taken from these yearly gatherings. It’s great to see how all the children have grown, the house has changed, and even how the clothing and hairstyles of family members have changed over the years. Limiting the pictures to the same family event each year makes the book charming and cohesive.

Take Advantage of All The Scrapbooking Supplies Available A great thing about Christmas scrapbooks of any type is that there are so many Christmas items to work with. A good start is to find a scrapbook especially designed for Christmas. There are some lovely ones on the market, and their designs will add to the beauty and charm of your special book. And, of course, there are a myriad of embellishments for Christmas scrapbook pages. In particular, some of the specialty Christmas papers will make your scrapbook shine.

A scrapbook can be one of the most special gifts you can give a close friend or relative. Your family member is sure to be delighted with a scrapbook detailing all the joys of Christmas past. And, perhaps with some blank pages for detailing Christmas futures, too.

-Scrapbooking Ordinary Events

We all take loads of pictures at holidays, birthdays, and other special events, and our scrapbooks are filled with pages devoted to these special days. But, don’t neglect life’s ordinary events when making your scrapbooks. These ordinary pictures can create extraordinary scrapbook pages and great memories, too.

Some of my greatest scrapbook layouts have come from days spent raking leaves and washing the car. I snap dozens of pictures, and usually use only two or three, coupled with embellishments and journaling to complete the page. These pictures provide a real window into our everyday life, one that I believe the children will really cherish when they are older.

Other layouts I like to complete are of preludes to holidays and special occasions. We have wonderful pictures of the children trying on prospective Halloween costumes, carving pumpkins and stringing Christmas lights. These pages, along with the traditional Halloween and Christmas day pictures really provide a full picture of the family holiday.

And finally, if you have children, it’s great to include some theme pages that include pictures taken over the years, so you can see how the children have changed. Our cat has slept with my son since he was about two years old. Even if he falls asleep on the couch for a nap, the cat is there with him. His scrapbook contains two pages of pictures of he and the cat sleeping, with pictures taken over a three year period. It’s a great layout that shows how my son has changed over the years, and how his relationship with that favorite pet remains the same.

Your scrapbook pages tell wonderful stories of your family’s days together. As you chronicle these special years, don’t forget that we spend more days together doing ordinary things than extraordinary ones. But, these ordinary events can be very special memories if you take the time to document them.

- Baby Scrapbooks For Adopted Children

If you have an adopted child, you know that traditional baby books often don’t fit the bill for chronicling your adoption. For example, sometimes adoptive parents don’t know details like time of birth and may not have newborn footprints. In addition, if you’re many adoptive parents, you may not want to fill out the genealogy section that’s included in many books.

A nice alternative to the traditional baby book for the adopted child is a specially created scrapbook. This way, you can include details that might be more specific to an adoption experience, and omit details that you might not know. For instance, if you adopt internationally, a big portion of your baby scrapbook might be devoted to the trip abroad to bring the baby home.

Adoption Provides Lots of Good Journaling Options

Don’t forget to do plenty of journaling for your adoption scrapbook. The adoption process is full of emotion. At times it seems like a roller coaster ride, and all of these feelings and stories are great to get down on paper. No matter what you’re doing when it happens, be sure to get some pictures and mementos from that moment when you got “the call”. When your child is older, he or she will treasure the story of this special moment.

Look For Embellishments Made Especially For Adoption

You may have to look around a bit to find them, but there are scrapbooking embellishments available especially for adoption scrapbooks. You can find stickers, picture frames, quotes and poetry that are appropriate for your scrapbook. Plus, most of the embellishments available for baby books will work, as well.

Tell Your Special Story

The greatest thing about telling an adoption story is that every one is different. No cookie cutter baby book will do. Your story is as special as the baby you’re bringing home, so take the time to tell it in pictures and words, as vividly as you can. You and your child will treasure the memories in this book for years to come.

Contributor: Memory Creations

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