Ted Bundy - #1 Serial Murderer

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It's a tough job, but somebody has to write a Guide entry about Ted Bundy.
Ted Bundy, one of the most infamous of modern serial killers, murdered in the 80s (it is estimated) 42 women. I say that it is estimated because no one knows the real number, not even Bundy himself.
"How did Bundy get away with this many?" You may ask. Well, he was employed as a travellying salesman, and was rarely in a town for more than a week. This was perfect for him. He could slip into a town unnoticed, perform one of his murders, then slip out on the very same day, leaving police with no clue as to his identity. No doubt the Bundy death toll would have grown to such a staggering height if he could not get the women to come with him of their own accord. Bundy was a very handsome man, and had no trouble getting women to come into his car, or his hotel room.
Bundy killed his victims in a very crude way: it varied, sometimes he would beat them with an iron bar, sometimes he would just punch them to death, et cetera, et cetera.
After Bundy was finally tracked down and arrested, he told the story of his murders to a reporter who spent the last night of Bundy's life with him. Every time a murder victim was selected, Bundy would walk up to them (often with a fake arm cast to muster sympathy) and uttered those three words which has become synonymous with the horror of murder, "Hi, I'm Ted."
Bundy was evetually tracked down and arrested after he killed a 7-year old girl in a small town. It was a small town, and the town inhabitants were incensed at the murder, and Bundy sensed he needed to get out, so he left that day and roared onto the freeway. He was promptly stopped for sppeding, then was arrested for "posession of criminal artefacts." Bundy had a crowbar, a black mask, some chloroform and some other "tools." Once Bundy was in prison, it was only a matter of time before they linked him up with the 42 murders. Bundy said that he couldn' remember the exact number of murders he'd commited, but tht it had to be over 40.
Bundy was executed by lethal injection, to the cheers of millions. A huge crowd gathered outside his prison, with signs like, "BUNDY B-B-Q".
Strangely enough, when Bundy was found to have always drove a Volkswagon Beetle, sales in beetles went up! Funny how people's minds work, isn't it?

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