Ginger Parkin with Brandy

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This is the Best cake for a cool autumn Sunday afternoon tea. It's warming and soothing: just what we need at this time of year. The moist consistency meets a deep desire for goo. The spicy flavour of the ginger brings a sparkle to the cheeks. Wash it down with a cup of tea, or a rich red wine (mulled in cold weather): both go well with Parkin.

Most importantly, never rush a Parkin - either in the preparation (it matures with age), nor in the eating. It is a cake to be savoured.

175g medium oatmeal
75g self-raising flour
a pinch of salt
110g golden syrup
25g black treacle
75g margarine
75g soft brown sugar
2.5 teaspoons of grated ginger root (or ground ginger)
1 small egg, beaten
1 dessertspoon milk
1 dessertspoon brandy

1. Preheat the oven to 140C. Lightly grease a 500g loaf tin.
2. Weigh the syrup, treacle, sugar and margarine into a saucepan. Place it over a gentle heat and stir until the margarine is melted. Do not boil.
3. Measure the oatmeal, flour, salt and ginger into a bowl.
4. Stir the syrup mixture into the dry ingredients until they are well combined.
5. Finally, add the egg, milk and brandy and mix well.
6. Pour into the tin and bake in the oven for 1.5 hours.
7. Cool for 30 minutes, then turn out onto a cooling tray.
8. Keep for a week or two in an airtight tin for maximum chewiness.

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