Oxford, 2003.
Created | Updated Feb 13, 2004
And Weren't It Nice?
It's all over now. Next time, anyone?
8th November, 2003
Last year was all so good, that we decided to try again. So, with the date provisionally set to the above, the 2003 Oxford meet up is hoping to take place. Last year Aendr, The Mad Hatter (apologies for incorrect spelling) provided us with these links for people to use, let's hope that they hold good a year later. ;)

So, What's Happening?
Well, so far, we're not entirely sure. The evening will involve ale, talking, and laughing at Far From The Madding Crowd, in Friar's Entry (it's near the bus station at Gloucester Green). Of course, the afternoon is non-pub orientated, so anybody under legal age is more than welcome.

We have now come to a decision. We will be taking afternoon tea copiously in Coffee Republic, and indulge in conversation of the highest sort until we move to Far From The Madding Crowd at around five or six (probably finding somewhere or something to eat on the way), when the conversation will probably degrade in proportion to the amount of ale we consume.
I am suggesting that we meet at the customary hour of one o'clock, at the railway station in Oxford, and then wander down to the bus station if anyone is coming that way in, and then off to Coffee Republic. I'm sure we can organise food (if neccesary) on the day. Please let me know how you are intending to come in (with arrival time if you have it). If you would like mobile numbers to be exchanged, please email me, especially if you may arrive late or something.
People What Is Coming
I do feel I ought to add a list of possible participants, but, quite frankly, I can't be bothered. I'll be there, Pastey and Magrat, I expect, as it's their watering hole, Opti has expressed a lot of interest, and of course, Whoami?, who's idea it was to get this all started again. Kess seems willing to give us lot a go, and who knows if Uncle Heavy will come this time? (UH, we haven't forgotten last year...) Doesn't seem like that long ago, does it?