The Utans

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Now most people do not know what a Utan is.
And the ones that do know have either killed themselves,
or are commited to mental-hospitals. A Utan is a 40 foot high
brain-like creature that lives behind the clouds. They have huge
citys and communitys up there. A Utan male can grow up to 54 feet, while the female can only grow to 38 feet. They have one eye, three sets of teeth, a split tounge. They have no hands but tentacle like paws. Utans move around by hoovering, their arms serve little purpose
in their citys. they use their highly advanced brains to open doors , feed,mate and so on, and so fourth. Their arms are only used toi whield weapons. Utans loathe firearms, although they have got som advanced ones they hardly ever use them. A prefered Utan weapon whould be a sword,hammer or and axe. All of their weapons are made out of uranium.
Imposible you say, but wait theres more, each and every Utan swallows about 50 gallons of plutonium every day. They are resistant towards radiation, fire,poison and general damadge. There has never been a conflict in the Utan society. Then you might start to ask: What the hell do they need weapons for?

That i can tell you they have enemys, like everywhone does.
They fight the Peiles, the Begges and a small group of humans.
for more info. ask me.

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