What you need to know before arriving to Slovak Republic

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I'd like to explain some articles of what you need to know 'bout
my country (Slovakia). So lets get started :
1. basic facts:
population : 5,400,000 approximately
nationality: Slovak 85%, Hungarian 10.7%, Gypsy 1.5%, Czech,
Ukrainian ...
languages: slovak, hugarian
capital city : Bratislava
currency: 1 koruna (Sk) = 100 halierov
exchange rate: US$1 = 40 Sk (approximately (changing every day :)))
2. history: after breakup of Austria-Hungary Monarchy in 1918 formed
Czechoslovakia. Cross 2nd world war Czechoslovakia saparated to
"Protectoriat of Czech and Morava" and "Slovak state". After 2nd world war again formed to Czechoslovakia. And than came year 1948 and comunistic puch called "February revolution". 1968 - Prague spring.
1989 - Velvet revolution. Communism fall. 1993 - Czechoslovakia divide
to Czech Republic (Bohemia) and Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
3. hitch-hike possibilities : very good on the "main road"
Bratislava - Zilina - Poprad - Kosice (from west to east)
or Bratislava - Nitra - Zvolen - Banska Bystrica - Ruzomberok -
Poprad - Kosice
4. Visa etc. : people from west Europe don't need (except englishmen)
WARNING for people from UK : if you'll go from Prague (Czech Rep.) to
Budapest (Hungary) by train than you need tranzit visa to Slovakia !!!
5. Pubs, beer etc. : you can taste many kinds of slovak beer. for example I write here some of them (what I prefer and like :))
Topvar, Smadny mnich, Martiner, Tatran etc.
price of one half liter beer :
20 - 50 Sk (in big cities)
10 - 13 Sk (towns)
8 Sk (village pubs at the end of civilization :))

oki dookie,
it's enouch for now I think
yours truly

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