A "Different Point of View"

3 Conversations

Have you ever thought how different things appear from that "different point of view". You know what I mean. Every story has two sides to the sitution...two sides to a conflict. Yet human nature always leads us to beleive our point of view is always correct. But is that truly always the case. Ill give an example.

Boris was up early one summer morning. After stretching he crawled out from his bed and decided to tan himself in the morning sun. So he made his way out onto the porch, where he stretched out ad soaked in the sunlight. Suddenly he hears a piercing scream and raises his head to look around, only to see a frumpy housewife in a nightshirt lop off his head with the business end of a garden spade.
Now is this really the correct story..Lets look at the other point of view.

My mother got up early one spring moring after a late night. Crawling out from her bed she headed down for a glass of milk. Spotting the sunshine outside, she walke out to the porch to wake up. Lying in the middle of the porch suning itself was a large brown snake. Her immediate response was to scream (as women do) and leap for the spade near the door. As she looked back to the snake...she
saw it rear its head and look at her...afraid of an attack she struck first and lopped off its head.

Now be carefull before you judge stories you here. Listen to both sides before making your judgement..Here endeth the lesson

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