The Life of a Foot Pedal..or...being depressed

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This morning I, as usuall, trained into my place of work. I bought my rail ticket to wynyard, but only on the back in the small print of the "i" in City Rail did I see that my ticket also included a breathless athsmatic, a schizofrenic Irishman with caluses, eight day year old quads and a man who thought his bowel movements would be a great topic for the rest of the travelers in the carriage.

Being one of the newer tangara's, the carriage came with a water closet at the end of it. So as a means of escape from my nearby passengers I navigated to the rear of the carriage and entered the water closet, both water and closet being the operative words ..

I secured myself within this coffin-like cubicle and, after finding my rail legs, took aim and hoped for the best. On completion of this feet, i searched high and low for the button or chain that would free this evidence of mine to the outer world. I finally located a sign that said "TO FLUSH DEPRESS FOOT PEDAL"
Well, who was I to argue? I crouched down on hand and foot and whispered to it "Your nothing but a worthless bit of dirty steel. You will never amount anything..You will be trod on your entire life you little insignificant peddle. You have no ego, soul, psyche, spirit or conscious self. You have no means for awareness, you cannot know love and you will never lick an ice cream ..."

Obviously, now beeing more depressed than it needed to be, it blankly refused my request to flush and remained motionaless and just waited for the next lowly traveller to s**t on it.

Such is life.....

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