Horizontal Parking in a Parrallel Univers

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This morning my dog brought me my pipe and slippers. This confused me as I do not smoke, dont own a dog, nor would I be caught dead in a pair of cordory slippers!!

The plot thickened when my son Ezekiel asked my permission to leave the table. Having never married, let alone ever had any kids, I was somewhat confused by these occurences but decided to battle on, knowing that this day would be like no other.

It was only later on, as I sat in my office overlooking a vast Nordic landscape, it dawned on me that during the previous night I had fallen into a parrallel universe where I had become the King of Norway.

I decided to make the most of these new 24 hours. I quickly invaded Sweden and after ocupying Denmark I declaired war on Switzerland. Unfortunatelr I fell asleep before taking Belgium.

Meanwhile in my own universe the King of Norway had awoken in a three bedroom flat in Parramatta and, after calling for his pipe and slippers, was met by my flatmate David wearing nothing but his long johns...being no less regal than ever.

They immediately fell in love as I was shocked to find out as I woke up handcuffed to my bed, with David's little hands rumagingthrough my beer-soaked tutu.

Alas, the King of Norway alas awoke to a world in crisis, and was soon overthrown by an angry mob after refusing to instigate my proposed legislation to outlaw mime, puppetry and any poetry of John Laws.

Now which universe do you think is better off??

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