Imperial 2nd Fleet

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Commanding ship: White Defender of Terran

Amount of ships in fleet: Three hundred 600 meter long pill shaped transports. All 300 are Gallofree yards transport shells (but that's all that Gallofree contributed to the project).

Weapon systems: All possess 2 moleclear cutters, one on the bow and the other on the stern, scattered around the hull, on the dorsal and ventral surfaces are 20 Centauri quad arrays (very fast firing plasma cannons) with Imperial enhancements (faster firing, longer range, greater yeild, greater accuracy). They provide equal fire power around the hull so that pirates have no weak side to attack.

Armor systems: The hulls of all the ships has been re-enforced with Mon Calimari armor making them at best very difficult to damage. The shield system is also Mon Calimari, making the ships even more difficult to harm.

Engines: The sublight engines are Imperial ion engines with AG to help in manuverability and speed. The FTL (faster than light) engines are standard Imperial Hyperdrive with a jump point backup system that is tied to a battery system that can provide only 2 jumps before requiring a recharge (300 jumps total)

Docking and Storage areas: Each ship has a docking bay and automated transports, loadlifters and repair systems.

Fighters: All ships have a complement of 3 squadrons of fighters (1 squadron of Centauri Sentri fighters [fast attacks and raids on enemies], 1 squadron of Vree gunships [fighter/missile interceptors], and 1 squadron of B-wings [general purpose]) these can be piloted either by computer or by pilot, and the pilots can pilot the craft by remote. Plus Gangorlas' Personal fighter which is stored on his personal ship (which is also the commanding ship of this fleet)

Misc systems: There is a mass transit Asgard transporter system that can move the entirety of the crew, troops, and supplies onboard onto other ships, stations, or planets and it can also be used to space enemy boarding parties.
There are three armory decks placed at equal distances from eachother so that in any situation the troops and crews inside can arm and armor in case the mass transit system is non-functional.

Enmeties: Theres also lounges, pools, holodecks, restraunts and other means of entertainment for long hauls.

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