Michelle Trachtenberg (Bio)

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Like Sarah and Alyson, Michelle Trachtenberg has been in the business for nearly her entire life. Born on 11th October 1985 in New York, her first role was in an advert for Whisk detergent at the age of 3 aswell as many other TV advertisements.

Outside of Buffy, she is best known for her starring role in "Harriet the Spy" opposite Rosie O'Donnell and then alongside Matthew Broderick in the live-action movie "Inspector Gadget". Her other screen credits include roles in independent films "Can't be Heaven", "The Cage" and "Melissa".

Before joining Buffy she worked alongside SMG, in the challenging role of the autistic Lily Montgomery in "All My Children". Then in 2000 she joined the cast of BtVS (after a recommendation from Sarah), as Dawn, Buffy's little sister and mystical key, which was a great role for her as she was already a big fan of the show.

Aswell as her acting she is involved in many charities such as, Kmart Kids Race Against Drugs, R.A.D.D, DARE America, The Starlight Foundation and many other organizations. Her fight against drugs has earned her the prestigious responsibility of representing the youth of America at CNN's headquarters in Atlanta, where she helped President Clinton launch "The Coalition for a Drug Free America" campaign.

Other film and TV credits include, the 2000 film "Snow Day", a recurring role in the TV show "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" and the 1997 film "Richie Rich's Christmas Wish".

In her spare time she enjoys writing short stories, ice-skating, rollerblading and making beaded jewelry. Her education is first in her eyes, and is tutored on set aswell as going to a regular school

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