Mastery Sense

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Everyone who has a mastery of one of the three main disaplines, magic, chi, and psionics, has the ability to detect others by their signature.

This sense is based of of which disapline one has mastered. The target is more easily sensed the higher the score is that coresponds to the mastery of the user.
  • Psionic masters can detect a person's brainwaves (Mind score) using telepathy
  • Chi masters can detect a person's inner Chi (Body score)
  • Magic Adepts can detect a person's soul (Soul score)

When a target has a higher score in one category, masters of the corresponding disapline find it easier to detect that target. Thus, targets with lower scores therefore find it easier to hide as such.

6-10Easily masked by a small animal
11-15Masked by a fair sized croud of people(40+)
16-20masked by a large croud(80+)
21-25masked by a fair sized crowd with many many of which who are high on that scale(croud of 40+ half of which are high on that scale)
26+not able to mask

It is worth noting that characters with multiple masteries also have multiple mastery senses. So a character who has a mastery in Chi and Psionics would be able to detect other characters by their Body and Mind scores. It is also worth noting that even if a target has a very high soul score, the user will not be able to detect them unless they have a mastery in the associated disapline.
It is also worth noting that characters that only have (element) Magic Afinity do not gain a mastery sense from it, only Magic Adept, Chi Master, or Psionics Mastery gain mastery senses.

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