Before the beginning & the answer to all things

2 Conversations

Many thousands of years ago further back in history than you can imagine, the sons of the true God were assembled before the almighty God ruler of the universe. The word was standing before them, and then the god’s entered in before them. Then some of their number said, “we are bored always knowing the finish of things from the beginning. Ask for us can we have a life and order of things in which the end is not known from the beginning, so that we do not have to be board?"

So the word went in before the ruler of the universe then after some time came back with the word on the matter. The answer was no!

Then some of the gods asked for a second time “are not all things possible with the almighty, should this thing also not be possible for us?” So the word left their presence to stand before the Almighty then once again he returned, this time the answer was yes, on the condition that all those that would have such a thing would have to have their memories erased.
Strange as it might seem, those gods that were requesting this thing before the ruler of the universe said that they would accept such a condition to achieve their desire.

In some time the creators went forth so as to make preparation for the new cosmos and order of things.

After a long period of time the creators returned and once again the
gods assembled to ask if the new system was ready. The word stood before them and told them there was to be a period of rest and another day of creating so they left.

Then the second time came when the creators returned and once again the gods stood before the creator and once again they were told there was to be another period of time after they had rested.

Frustration started to set in as the time period were great so that their patience started to Wane, as a third, then a forth, then a fifth, period came and went, with no completion coming into sight. On the sixth time they said we have waited so long we are now impatient to try this new life how much longer must we wait? This time they were told that all was complete but a full Sabbath must go over the new creation as it settles down.

Then they requested if it is now complete could we not have possession now because we have become impatient and have waited many millennia?
They were told many grand changes will be taking place and many hazards to living would make living in the new system very uncertain and hazardous for them.

The gods said is this not what we requested give the new system over to us now so we can live not knowing the end of things from the beginning. Then for a certainty we shall not be board. SO IT WAS GIVEN TO THEM.

On these specific conditions ((? *********? ********?)) laid down for all time so it was granted to them.

When the gods arrived and came upon the new system, they could not believe their eyes, the females were so extraordinarily beautiful they forgot they were gods and took to living with the new creations. This did create quite a few problems for the inhabitants, because the gods were so powerful they would do as they pleased, were as the inhabitants were not much more than animals, which could be controlled, just by thinking in pictures or projecting upon them different emotions. The inhabitants had know idea what you could do with light and were quite happy eating and drinking and having children, just seemed to be their main occupation. If any of these ones got in the way of one of the gods the poor person would either find himself a cripple or something worse, because these inhabitants were so extraordinary naïve, as to the workings of the universe you could almost keep them like pets.

There was one of them that for some unknown reason started to build the most extraordinary raft or platform out of the trees from the forest for years he was at it then he started to assemble a gigantic house upon it, the house was three stories high and was stretching the length of the platform. This one's skills were so much different from his contemporaries he would not be sidetracked by the amusing things to pass the time. He and his sons worked as though possessed, the house was too large for them even if they had, had many children, and wished to keep them all close to them. They were telling the inhabitants to do the same to put their houses on wooden platforms and build storehouses at the sides. Most just laughed and used him as the butt of jokes. He the raft builder kept saying that a large amount of water was coming, how silly who could believe such a thing, were would all the water come from? The planet had been inhabited for a thousand years with no sign of any water that would float such a colossal craft.

No one seemed to have fully appreciated the amount of devastation that would occur when the canopy was removed. The survival of a few was a miracle in itself, the entire planet was completely covered in the debris of this gigantic holocaust with animal and man having been swept into heaps of conglomerates.
The rebellious gods were not deterred they quickly swung into action, so as not to be caught out a second time they persuaded the survivors to build a tower so high that it would rise above any future similar event. Communicating with the humans was no longer as simple as in the past; the new families would speak in their own tongue, so that working together was virtually impossible.
The gods now had a new problem; the humans would no longer recognize the spirits that had motivated them in the past, if they were not reminded these old spirits would die out along with the luxurious living of the past. The problem now was the human died so quickly that what he had been taught, was soon forgotten by the new generation. It was no longer possible to show these ones, as permission to walk the earth as a human had been forbidden. Some of the spirits turned to some novel methods by which they would be able to keep their spirits alive among mankind. So acting was born not just any acting, but long term dedicated traditional acting, The family now known as the Chinese family, took to this art like a duck to water. To illustrate the spirit, they would make masks depicting the spirits, so that the actor did not have to have been born with this disposition. It did not take the Chinese long to pick up on these dispositions, and the benefits that would come to the individual displaying them. Many of the tribes picked up on fear as being a strong motivating force for controlling vast numbers of humans, so violence became the norm once again, and the gods were back in control.

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