Nicholas Brendon (Bio)

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...was bought into the world on 12th April, 1971 in Los Angeles, California. He attended the College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, California, he had aspirations of being a professional Baseball player until he broke his arm in a manner which destroyed any chance of becoming a professional.

Nicholas then decided to give acting a try, his first job was doing a Clearasil commercial. Unfortunately his career was not taking off, so he decided to try a bit of behind the scenes work as a production assistant on "Dave's world", this lead to an audition for the same series and suddenly his luck changed, culminating in him getting the role of Xander Harris on BtVS

In his spare time Nicholas enjoys camping, spending time with his family and friends, including his identical twin brother, Kelly with whom he shares a house, watching Dodger games and basketball. He is married to actress Tressa DiFiglia.

His film and TV credits include a recurring role in the daytime soap "The Young and the Restless", the pilot for "Secret lives" and as an evil corn follower in "Children of the Corn III:Urban Harvest". In theatre he starred in the Los Angeles theatre production of "The Further Adventures of Tom Sayer" at Theatre West, "My Own Private Hollywood" at The Black Hole Theatre and "Out Of Gas On Lovers Leap" at the Pasadena Playhouse.

Couple of Xander Facts

Nicholas has appeared in every episode of BtVS except "Talking With Dead People".

His twin brother was the other Xander in "The Replacement".

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