Laying in the Sun

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Ahhhh... warmth. Nothing like the big orange orb in the sky to warm your fur and make you purr. Curling up on a balcony, purring, as I watch those cars that Ford Prefect accidentally named himself after long ago just makes me want to, well, purr.
Silly humans, always in a hurry to go everywhere, never taking the time to appreciate the most important things, like purring and being warm and fuzzy inside. I guess that's the biggest problem with the beings here. Always asking for things, like more money, more status, and more tea, but never asking for the more important things, like time. If they really wanted more time to themselves, they should look at us cats and note that when you really want it, they should just grab it by the neck and get it!
Oh, well. Back to more purring....

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