Orange, Texas

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Orange is located on Interstate Highway 10 in the southeast corner of Texas on the western bank of the Sabine River, which separates the states of Texas and Louisiana. It ts the Easternmost city in Texas and its eastern city limits actually end at the Texas-Louisiana border. It is the same distance from New York City to Orange as it is from Orange to El Paso and from El Paso to Los Angeles*.


Orange is a designated bird sanctuary, meaning that it is illeagal to shoot ANY bird within city limits. Similarly, the privately owned park Shangri La, which is planning to reopen soon (it would be open currently had Hurricane Rita not hit where it did), is located in Orange. Shangri La is home to a unique colony of albino squirrels, long horn cattle, and many other various rare plants and animals. Other local attractions (currently open) include the Frances Ann Lutcher Theater, The W. H. Stark House, The Heritage House Museum , The Stark Museum of Art , The Brown Center, The Heritage History Museum .


*Distance not = down to the exact mile, but pretty damn close!

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