The curse of technology

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Technology has given all sorts of things to make our lives easier, more interesting, or, more commonly, p**s us off. There is a device that really does the latter thing for me, and all right thinking humans should not rest until this device is extinct. I'm talking about the blow dryers for your hands in public lavvies.

These gadgets of nastiness have erupted like spots on a pubertal youngster since the mid 80:s, and voices are now being heard saying that that's quite enough, thank you very much.

The evil things come in two shapes; the ones with a start button and the ones with sensors. The sensorb*****ds are the nastiest ones, since you get hurt by them. They won't start until your hands are so close that when the DO start, they make your nails glow and burnmarks appear on your skin. In agony you lower your hands and by doing so, of course you turn the bleeding thing off.

The divice equipped with a pressbutton is fairly functional, but the two sorts of machines have that in common, testified of by millions of fellow haters, that they are totally useless when you need to blow your nose. There are thousands of us, who have had to leave a great party to go home and change shirts after attempting to use the evil devices of their full (most supposed) capacity.

It is time to form national vigilantes, in order to restore the old fashioned, and much more useful, paper towel. No rest for the wicked, and for the wickedest no peace.

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