The Mountains of Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

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First, some background information about Denver.Denver is a medium-sized city located in the middle-western part of the United States of America. It is generally considered more western than middle, but that is unimportant.Now, on to the mountains.The Rocky Mountains are located just outside of Denver, and there is plenty to do there, in most cases within a few hours of the city. During the winter, the prime attraction is the large number of ski resorts you can visit. You can also go ice skating, snowmobiling, sledding, ice fishing, or sit by a fire and listen to locals talk about the rude people who come up from Denver.The fun doesn't stop once the temperature rises. In the summer, you can go camping, hiking, bike riding, whitewater river rafting, rock climbing, or sell your car and play a round of golf.Yes, with these and numerous other activites within easy reach, the mountains seem to offer a lot of entertainment to the Denver community. But all this is really quite insignificant, as there is plenty to do in the city itself. What is much more important is the critical role the mountains play in the life of every Denver resident - the mountains are the ultimate reference point.As long as you can see the mountains, you will not get lost. Therefore, the first thing to do when visiting Denver is to locate the mountains. They will be quite visible on the horizon, and will serve as your compass during your visit. Whenever you need to get your bearings, just remember this one important fact: The mountains are always to your west. It is vital that you understand this while visiting, especially if you are going to ask directions from the locals. This is because there is no such thing as right or left in Denver. Here is an example:"Want to come to the party? Just take highway I-25 north, go west on 6th Avenue, then south on Wadsworth, then west into my driveway."Just keep one eye on the road, and the other on the mountains, and you'll never get lost.

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