10 Reasons Why I Hate The Phantom Menace

6 Conversations

1) It's about a trade dispute - a reasonable subject for an economics dissertation but not a very enthralling premise for a sci-fi epic
2) It's hard to care about the human characters because they're so dull.
3) As are the computer-generated ones
4) Especially Jar-Jar Binks.
5) the dialogue is atrocious. "I sense a vergence in the Force" indeed.
6) Liam Neeson looks as though he rather be at home mowing the lawn.
7) The Jedi combat skills are so superior that virtually every "fight" is a foregone conclusion. (Witness Neeson & MacGregor chopping their way through countless droids).
8) Jake Lloyd is an annoying little brat.
9) And he says "Yippee". Nobody says "Yippee".
10) Star Wars was an entertaining film with amusing and engaging characters. Phantom Menace is a pompous, boring affair which wants to be regarded as a religious experience (re : Anakin's virgin birth) but is more like being bothered by Jehovah's Witnesses.

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