San Francisco

1 Conversation

Mostly harmful.
Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? No?
Well, come to San Francisco, and I'm sure you'll find a club where you
can do just that. It's a great city really, but it'll drive thoroughly
insane before your first day is over. And trust me, you'll miss that
last shred of sanity when it's gone. If there is any place on this
mostly harmless world that is dangerous, wierd, and down right Sodom-
and-Gomorra-esque, San Francisco is it.
Of course, that should make it the perfect stop for Hitch Hikers. This
den of iniquity to some is a place very near and dear to our hearts.
It may be sinful, but it's also beautiful, friendly and safe (you
KNOW the Men in Black have several branch offices here.) You can walk
around undisguised, your tentacles a-flappin' in the breeze, wearing
nothing but your towel--god bless the towel--and as long as you're in
the right neighborhood, no-one will look at you funny. Some might even
smoke you out. (NOTE-Avoid the mushrooms. They may be another hitch-
hiker's cousin)
So, come visit us in San Francisco. We may be named for a Saint, but
then, he was probably a Hitch-Hiker too.

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