Trinity Sminity!

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The set apart spirit ["Holy Ghost"] is not a seperate person of a triune "God", but is Father Yahweh Himself. (2 Corinthians 3:17-18; also cf. Romans 8:11).

"Did the New Testament really teach the elaborate - and highly contradictory - doctrine of the Trinity?" - Karen Armstrong, A History of God.

Spurious addition in John 5:7-8 (A.V.) K.J.V. read: "For there are three that bear record [in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth,] the spirit, and these three agree in one." NKJV reads essentially the same.. Most Bible commentaries inform that the words in brackets are spurious addition to the biblical text. The New Bible Commentary: Revised says: "Notice that the AV includes additional material at this point. But the words are clearly a gloss and are rightly excluded by RSV even from its margins" (1970, p. 1269).

In the New Revised Standard Version, I John 5:7-8 correctly reads, "There are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three agree."

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