Charisma Carpenter (bio)

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Charisma CarpenterChildren in Horrible Masks

Charisma was born on July 23, 1970 in Las Vegas, Nevada but despite her showbiz name, which came from an Avon perfume, she had no interest in acting chosing dance instead. She began Classical dance training at aged 5 and by 9 was entertaining hotel guests along the Vegas Strip!

She began studying at at high school for the Performing Arts in San Diego and says she had a happy childhood, although it wasn't without its share of trouble. She often got bad grades at school and even went as far as stealing her dad's Corvette for a joyride!

At the age of 15 she moved with her family to Mexico, then on to San Diego, CA where she studied at the Chula Vista school of the creative and Performing Arts where she graduated circa 88-89 with an emphasis in classical dance. After graduation, Charisma spent a year travelling throughout Europe before returning home to earn money to put herself through college, where she earned an English degree and planned to teach. Charisma has been an aerobics instructor as well as doing a year as a San Diego Chargers cheerleader!

It wasn't until Charisma moved to Los Angeles in 1992 that the acting bug bit, entirely by surprise! She chose to audit classes at Playhouse West through which she got a good agent who landed her more than 20 commercials, her most memorable being the 2yr stint as the spokeswoman for "Secret antiperspirant". Her 'big break' came when she was asked to audition for 'Baywatch', from her performance there she moved to 'Malibu Shores' which is where Buffy producers showed an interest in her.

Charisma was originally asked to audition for the role of Buffy but the executives felt she'd be better suited to the role of Cordelia Chase. She says she almost didn't get to the audition and was late because of her commitment to 'Malibu Shores'. She turned up late, wearing flip-flops and overalls but she did bring pizza!! Buffy co-star, Alyson Hannigan says, jokingly, thats part of the reason she got the role; "It was really good pizza!!"

As a birthday present, Charisma had the chance to go skydiving, which she loved and tried to share the experience with Alyson. When Buffy management found out they made ALL the cast sign stipulations banning them from 'life-threatening' activities for the length of their contracts!

Charisma is married to Damien Hardy and as a son called Donavan

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