A small place once swirming with fishermen and those serving them. Suddenly abandoned in 1968. The houses started to fall down, now people have started building them up again. Situated in Norway, along the coastline, quite far up north. Cellular phones won't pick up signals there. A good place to get some rest, in other words. For a small, but not so insignificant amount of money you can get good accomodation, as well as beer and food. Books are all over the place, and you can borrow them for free. Fish are to be picked up in the ocean, and whalemeat is for dinner. Eagles fly over your head most of the time, but they don't have the same reputation as vultures, som don't worry. Hitch-hikers are advised to look out for german campers, they tend to drive out there while they are in the area.
Nyksund was in the mid to late eighties run by a group of German anarchists, looking to create the ideal community. They left, though, abandoning either anarchism or windy, idyllic landscapes along the Norwegian coast. Or both.
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