people to watch out for

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greetings. the enigmaniacs are currently surveying the human race and have recently stumbled upon a bizarre type of human indeed.
this "type" of human seems to spend a good bit of time with a wordbook (thesaurus or dictionary) and is quite concerned with fitting his or her self-assigned title--"intellectual." well, what exactly is an intellectual? apparently, based on the behavioural patterns of these types, an intellectual is someone who, much like a christian, doesn't really do any actual thinking for him or herself but is usually willing to let someone else do it for him or herself, and is someone who, much like the media, spends a bit of time with a wordbook making sure that he or she knows some intelligent sounding words to cover up the fact that he or she doesn't really say anything as a result of any individual thought process. basically, an intellectual is just someone who regurgitates a bunch of crap at you that they have previously absorbed themselves. also, while the enigmaniacs have discovered these types everywhere on the planet, many, but not all, of them appear to reside in the states. that is to say a good bit of the population living there, not all, fit this stereotype. additionally, the enigmaniacs believe that this may have everything to do with the direct influence of the media and a place called hollywood but this is just a theory.

*please note: the enigmaniacs are in no way racist or hateful. they simply report what they observe and allow you, the reader, to right these findings off as crap or partially accept them as semiuseful information.

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