A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season 16 - "Don't Mention The War"

FF16 - Round Two, Game One

Post 21


Pah! Fat chance! The only time I would offer my (grudging) support to the Germans would be when they're playing the French smiley - tongueout

(with apologies to riotact, obviously smiley - flustered)

FF16 - Round Two, Game One

Post 22

Mu Beta

I have to say that Andy G's full house from yesterday is very impressive. 1-all with a Mexican defender scoring first. Not many would have the balls for that one.


FF16 - Round Two, Game One

Post 23


Bugger, forgot to be here yesterday.

Anyway, in case GD is feeling nice deadline-wise., I'm going to make some predictions for today:

England 2-1 Ecuador (Agustin Delgado)
Portugal 3-1 Holland (Luis Figo)

FF16 - Round Two, Game One

Post 24


smiley - winkeye just went for Marquez 'cause I figured he'd been playing pretty well, and might score from a set piece... and boy, was I glad when that Argentinian goal was ruled out for offside... smiley - smiley

Not that it's likely to make much difference to my usual bottom-half finish though... smiley - erm

smiley - oksmiley - football

FF16 - Round Two, Game One

Post 25

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

please note that FIFA has finally ruled that crespo will be credited with that

FF16 - Round Two, Game One

Post 26


Ah well, if only it had all happened inside the 90 minutes, then there would be an awful lot more points being splashed around. As it stands Argentina drew one-all with Mexico in the second round smiley - tongueout

This was pretty good news however for me[Andy]g, who's landed a full house as a result smiley - silly

And I think we need give mention to Egon, who was the only one to predict a Portugal victory, and hence the only one to land any points from the match smiley - ok

As to the winner. Well that's another of our ex-pats. Stand up Summerbayexile, you've won with a very respectable 9 points, including a German full house smiley - applausesmiley - bubblysmiley - biggrinsmiley - magic


The Results:

Germany 2-0 Sweden (PODOLSKI)

Argentina 1-1 Mexico (MARQUEZ, Crespo)

England 1-0 Ecuador (BECKHAM)

Portugal 1-0 Holland (MANICHE)


summerbayexile - 9 points (Germany full house smiley - bubbly ; Argentina scorer; England result & score)

me[Andy]g - 7 points (Argentina full house smiley - bubbly ; England result)

Ormondroyd - 6 points (Germany result; Argentina scorer; England result & score)

riotact - 6 points (Germany result & score; Argentina scorer; England result)

Yakusmaximus - 6 points (Germany result & score; Argentina scorer; England result)

bubba-fretts - 5 points (Germany result; England result & score)

Master B - 5 points (Germany result & score; England result)

Psycorp - 5 points (Germany result; Argentina scorer; England result)

Egon - 4 points (England result; Portugal result)

Owlatron - 4 points (Germany result; England result)

Bottletop - 3 points (Argentina scorer; England result)

Demon Drawer - 3 points (Argentina scorer; England result)

GreyDesk - 2 points (Germany result)

FF16 - Round Two, Game One

Post 27


Um, not that it will matter too much in the long run, but I did have Beckham down to score for England... smiley - winkeye

smiley - oksmiley - football

FF16 - Round Two, Game One

Post 28


You did indeed.

* wanders off to fiddle with the table *

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