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During the central portion of the 20th century, the National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration decided that they were tired of this planet, and tried to put someone on another one. Whether this was for the purpose of future penal colonies in outer space, or just because they had nothing better to do with the money is unclear.

The Apollo program was in charge of getting people of the planet. So in the year 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on another celestial body. He and "Buzz" Aldrin walked around, got rocks, put up a flag, and left. 10 other men also came and went. So, if you were to visit the moon now, you would find wreckage of six lunar landing vehicles. If you could find the moon. It lost its orbit when the Earth exploded. The last I heard about it, it was being used as a Christmas ornament.

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