HOW I have lost some of my 257 lives

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1. Took acid shower to get rid of demons
2. Became my best friend worst enemies Psycoloogist
3. Put petrol iin my coffee aand heated iit up
4. Died of shock when Someone found the heated petrol coffee tasty
5. A thingitie shot me with a Kill o zap gun
6. Another Thingitie shot me with a Machine gun (I dont think they like me)
7. Died of food poisening in a thingity Milkshake (Yeah I think they hate me)
8. Died in confusion of somethign a thingitie said to me
9.Got set on fire by thingitie crushed by thingitie sheep set onfire by a thingitie again
12. explode myself after a thingitie whacked me inthe head
13. got crushed under thingitie towers when it collapsed
14. Got set on fire by thingitie <dragon>
15. got set on fire twice
16. Got crushed by the remainign two towers OUch
17. A multiple of things not worth embarking on.
18. Got shot by a beam of anti matter.
19. Thingite shot me with a ray gun
20. got eaten by a thingite <spider>

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