The Most Controversial Entry Ever (sex, but not vulgarity)

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Firstly I would like to say that I am conflicted over many of these facts, but I find most of them to be purely logical.

Sex: Everything that every person and living being in the world has ever done, ever, is in some way driven by reproduction. The drive to reproduce is what drives life itself. Even celibacy is in some form of twisted logic caused by the drive for reproduction.

Religion: religion is the creation of a system of ideals and explanations to comfort people who fear ignorance. Questions that are too complicated or conflicting are answered through religion. Also order is established through religion for those who cannot form a system of moral beliefs for themselves. Sex drives religion because religion is essentially based around a power structure, and power over ones own life as well as over the lives of others is a confidence builder and is sexually appealing to many people.

Compassion: compassion is the urge to reach out and help another person or being, it is caused essentially by the thought that helping others will increase sex appeal or confidence. Those who feel good about themselves are more likely to be appealing to the opposite sex.

Violence: violence is driven by the need to fight against that which is different from the self. That which is not the same as the self is considered dangerous by the human subconscious and therefore it is instinctual to try to get rid of whatever it is that is different, including other people. Dangerous things could possibly kill or harm a person, thereby drastically reducing the possibility of reproduction

Scholarship: The urge to learn and increase intelligence is essentially a bid for attention from the opposite sex. Intelligence is appealing, and it increases the chance of outwitting others, thereby increasing the chance of reproduction.

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