Rapid City

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Rapid City.

Nestled in the foothills of the Black Hills of South Dakota, Rapid City (approx. pop 60,000) is the largest city (and, coincidingly, the largest second-rate tourist trap) in western South Dakota. Founded from a mining camp set up along the town's premier flowing water-body, Rapid Creek, Rapid City boasts a shopping mall, a moderate-sized technical college, several public parks and pools, a large, very much in debt museum called "The Journey," and of course, the premier artwork of the town, the Rapid Fish, located just west of the volleyball courts on Omaha Street. In the way of entertainment, this small image of poorly-drawn urbana offers a few bars and one miniature golf course to entertain the myriad of tourists that pass through and lodge in Rapid on their way to the majestic Mount Rushmore, which is located about thirty miles south of Rapid City. Other information... doesn't really exist.

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