Jollity Farm

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It was the artwork on the sleeve of the LP1 in a record shop in Venlo, Netherlands, that drew my attention to the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. It was a delightful discovery. Bonzo Dog’s energetic rendition of Jollity Farm is a vast improvement on Leslie Sarony’s somewhat insipid comic song. Thirty years hasn’t diminished the occasional listening enjoyment.

Other tunes in this series can be found listed on the Toots of the Whistle page of the Guide.

This abc-rendition is transposed for the pennywhistle, tuned to the key of D. Copy and paste the abc-code, shown below, into your own text file and then process the file using the abc-tool of your choice. Free abc utilities are available that will convert the code to a MIDI file, to Adobe PostScript, and to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) suitable for printing the sheet music. As an alternative, it is possible to read the abc-code direct and play it on your favourite instrument.


T:Jollity Farm

T:--h2g2 article A12045160--

S:Comic Song, 1929

C:Leslie Sarony, 1897-1985

N:pennywhistle, tinwhistle, tin, penny, whistle

N:flageolet, fipple, flute, feadog

Z:Transposed 20060524 by H2G2 U107221 for the pennywhistle keyed in D.






"^Pennywhistle in D"

d d e e | c c d d | B B c c | A3 A | B A B A |

w:There's a farm called "Mis-er-y", but of that we'll have none, Be-cause we know of

e3 A | B A B A | f4 | d d e e | c c d d |

w:one that's al-ways lots of fun, This one's name is "Jol-li-ty", be-

B B c c | A3 A | c A B A | c A B A | d B c d | e4 ||

w:lieve me, folks, it's great, For ev-'ry-thing sings out to us, as we go thro' the gate.


A/2 B/2 A/2 G/2 F>G | A A d>B | A A e>B | A A f2 | e>d c B |

w:All the lit-tle pigs they grunt and how, The cats me-ow, the dogs bow wow, Ev-'ry-bo-dy

d A F2 | A A G/2 F/2 E | D3 z | A/2 B/2 A/2 G/2 F>G | A A d>B |

w:makes a row, down on Jol-li-ty Farm. All the lit-tle birds go tweet tweet tweet, The

A A e>B | A A f2 | e>d c B | d A F2 | A A G/2 F/2 E |

w:lambs all bleat and shake their feet, Ev-'ry thing's a per-fect treat, down on Jol-li-ty

D3 z | e>d B d | e f2 e | d>B A>B | A3 z | e>d B d | e f2 e |

w:Farm. Reg-u-lar as ha-bit the cock be-gins to crow, And the old buck rab-bit says

d d d/2 e/2 f | e3 z | A/2 B/2 A/2 G/2 F>G | A A d>B | A A e>B |

w:"I'm a doe de-o-doe," All the lit-tle ducks go quack quack quack, the cows all moo, the

A A f2 | e>d c B | d A F2 | B d c/2 d/2 e | d3 z |]

w:bull does too, Ev-'ry-one says "How d'you do" down on Jol-li-ty Farm

1LP: Long Playing 33-1/3rpm2 record.2rpm: revolutions per minute.

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