This is me

2 Conversations

My Name is Stephen Monument and I live in South-West London, I am one of a handful of Monuments in the world. Just remember that (after all, that's what Monuments are for.

I am a Christian and living on the brink of the 21st century is one of the most exiting times to be living.

I am a freelance IT trainer, and am currently learning BSL (British Sign Language), although there were other reasons for be to begin learning, I have come to the conclusion that I would like to teach IT to Deaf people.

Some people think that Christianity is irrelevant to the 21st century, but science has repeatedly fallen short of explaining our presence and existence in the universe, so much so that many scientists (Stephen Hawking for e.g.) are being forced to re-valuate their view of the realm of the Spiritual.

If you want to discuss this further you can get me on [email protected]

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