Beer Sign Language in Flanders, Belgium
Created | Updated Sep 27, 2006
In the event of finding oneself in the situation that one is thirsty, and the galaxy being the vast place that it is with an infinite number of languages, the chance is pretty big that one will not be able to make it known to the locals that one is thirsty and therefore in dire need of a liquid of some kind. When in this state of thirst and in the state of Belgium and in the Dutch speaking part *, one can resort to the Beer Sign Language.
The signs, which are simple hand gestures, are based on the names of certain brands of beer, as they are in the Dutch language. Unfortunately, the Beer Sign Language only works in Flanders. A 'translation' will be given for each sign. All signs are made with the left hand, unless stated otherwise.
This Sign Language is not official and simply a series of gestures commonly used in bars, parties and anywhere else it is too noisy to order a drink without using a megaphone or getting Celine Dion to do it for you.
1. E pinke
The basic drink in a Flemish pub is a pintje or e pinke*. This is a simple lager, a glass of beer of 250 ml, cooled and with a nice foam collar of about 2cm. The universal Flemish sign is simply making a fist, but showing your pinkie finger, like a Lady might do while drinking posh tea. Pink in Dutch means also your pinkie, hence the sign. If you feel really thirsty and want to order more than one: just show the amount you need first with your hand (e.g. showing the universal sign for '5') and then, with the same hand, make the Beer Sign.
A variation on this is nen 33er. This is a glass of beer, but instead of 250ml, it contains 330ml (or 33cl, hence the name). It is not available in all pubs, though. The sign goes as follows: both hands are held, one above the other, about 10cm apart. Both hands have the palms directed to the ground. When they are in this position and you have made eye contact with the bartender, you raise the upper hand a few centimeters. It's like first indicating how big the average smurf is and then showing how big Gargamel is.
2. Nen Duvel
A Duvel* is a blond, bitter beer. Something you need when either really thirsty or in need of a kick in the liver. Duvel is also Flemish slang for devil, so the sign will be quite clear. Use both index fingers to simulate horns on your head.
3. Ne Palm
Palm is an amber coloured beer, typical for Flanders. Palm in Dutch means the same as in English, that part of your hand. The sign is self-evident: just show the palm of your hand. This is sometimes emphasised by pointing to and touching that palm with the index finger of the other hand. Otherwise you would just look like a very friendly person saying hello to the bartender. And, although it is nice to be thought of as friendly, you will remain thirsty.
4. Ne Cola
Cola or Coke. The most wide spread beverage known to the galaxy, besides G-and-T. Just form the letter C with your left index finger and thumb, the same way one would gesture 'something small' (the fingertips of both fingers face each other).
5. Ne Mazout
Mazout* is a light fuel oil in Dutch, used e.g. for central heating purposes. You can expect how this thing will look (and in this researcher's opinion, tastes). It is a mixture of coke and lager: one-third coke, which is poured in the glass first and then the beer is added. You have to be careful, because an enormous amount of light brown foam is produced while adding the beer. If you leave it to set for a couple of minutes, you will notice that the beer and the coke are starting to separate, resulting in small flecks of coke in the beer. The foam just falls apart into a brown smudge. But on the other hand, this drink is a nice combination of sweet (the coke) and bitter (the beer) and can be refreshing on a hot, summer's day. The sign is based on the coke-sign, described above. You form the letter 'C' with the index finger and thumb of the left hand and use the index finger of the right hand and place it vertically in front of formed 'C', thus parting it in two. You can compare it with the '$' sign, only you use a 'C' instead of an 'S'. What you are actually doing, is parting the letter 'C' in half, vertically. You get something like this: ยข.
So you are actually saying to the bartender that you want half a coke. And since Flemish people don't believe in half glasses, they simply add the beer.
Based on this theme, there are several other drinks, such as Kivelah* (lemonade, mostly Sprite, and beer), a half-en-halfke*, which is grenadine (cherry syrup) with beer, and many more. Most of these are very local, e.g. Kivelah can also be bubble water with beer, depending on the region you are in. No signs are developed for these. Reason for this: these concoctions are of such a degree of grossness, that no sign should ever be allowed developed. This prohibition is based on the Universal Human Rights Declaration by the United Nations.
What if it doesn't work?
A number of solutions present themselves.
You can always run to the nearest hardware store and buy a megaphone or other sound enhancement device. Making a quick phone call to Sony Music and booking Celine Dion can help, but by the time she arrives, you will probably have died of thirst.
Of course, learning Dutch is a simple solution or maybe buying a dictionary.
And if all else fails: take a cab to Zaventem*, buy a ticket home and go to the pub.
Enjoy, but drink with measure.