Intolerance In Today's Community

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There is a serious lack of understanding and acceptance in today's world. I was walking around town in drag,.. Wait...
Nevermind I wasn't. However I was walking around and some racist bigot started throwing ethnic slurs at me. Now this
hurt for two reasons. One was because he was making fun of me for being BLACK when I am really KOREAN. The
other was just the basic fact that noone deserves that kind of treatment. Of course I promptly went up to him and beat
his skull into the ground, wait that didn't happen either. Some african-american guy did that for me. But the point is
racist imbeciles like that shouldn't be allowed to talk. I suggest we pass a law to out a horse-bit into the mouth of every
conformist, bigot, racist or prejudiced b*****d, or otherwise annoying person (excluding me since I passed the law to
begin with). This would solve a lot of problems. It would stop the incessant noises of imbeciles pretending to know
what they are talking about (like me). It would stop the need to conform, and it would get rid of the needless crap
that races other than Caucasian have to put up with. (Note: While Caucasians are periodically abused , it doesn't
occur enough to make note of it) So In closing, never dance with the devil in pale moon light.

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