DC Comics, Green Lantern

6 Conversations

"The dark things cannot stand the light... the light of the Green Lantern!"

This was the oath of Earth's first Emerald Crusader, Alan Scott, who fashioned a Power Ring that could do or create anything the wearer willed from the metal of a mystic lamp in order to avenge the deaths of those victims slain by an evil saboteur. Though his jade beam was powerless against wooden objects, Green Lantern nevertheless used it tirelessly to shed light over villainy. Banding with the other "mystery men" in the dark days when the jackboots of Nazi terrorism threatened Europe, Green Lantern helped turn the tide of history by thwarting Adolph Hitler's invasion of England. After being returned to middle age because of the timewarping effects of a dimension called Limbo, Green Lantern changed his name to Sentinel, trying to carve a niche for himself in an America populated by younger, fiercer crimefighters.

"In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight!"

So swore test pilot Hal Jordan, appointed by the Guardians of the Universe to become the galaxy-spanning Green Lantern. Armed with his Power Ring, similar to the original Green Lantern's though it could not affect anything of the color yellow, Jordan split his time between leading the universe's Green Lantern Corps and Earth's now-defunct Justice League International. After the destruction of Coast City, his home, Hal Jordan went insane, taking the name Parallax and murdering the Green Lantern Corps. Unable to rebuild Coast City and find peace, even with all the Power Rings he had stolen, Parallax went to the beginning of time to restart reality to his own specifications, starting from the Zero Hour and working forward. Being defeated by the Justice League, Hal finally recanted, sacrificing his life to reignite the sun after the events of the Final Night.

The last surviving Guardian of the Universe, Ganthet, created a new Green Lantern ring, one without any weaknesses. Traveling to Earth, he gave it to the first worthy human he could find - a comic book artist named Kyle Rayner. Accepting the challenge, Kyle became the most recent Green Lantern to bear the name, overcoming the distrust of his colleagues and his own insecurities to become a proud member of the legendary Justice League of America.

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