indestructable insects

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Cockroaches are indestructable. A flip-flop will not kill them. They will just look at it, look at you, smirk, and scuttle away. Not even a sturdy trainer, or a stiletto heel will kill them.
If you beat them repeatedly with a ladel, they eventually die, but then you have the additional problem of getting them out of the large dent you have now created in the wall.
Mosquitoes. Why? Do the annoying little f*****s actually serve any purpose, or are they just God's idea of a joke? They are also near impossible to kill, unless you have a hand that whacks like lightning. they know you're going to try and swat them even before you do, and they're off, buzzing into your ear and across the room. Then they become invisible until you go to sleep, when they sneak out and suck all the blood out of your body. Sneaky little bleeders

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