Shylo country club for dogs

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SHYLO Kennels is one of the top show kennels in the country and was established over 30 years ago.

We have owned or bred over 130 American Champion Afghan Hounds, as well as having bred Champion Whippets, Greyhounds, Welsh Corgis, Shelties, and Bedlington Terriers. Our attention these days is devoted almost exclusively to the showing of Afghan Hounds (our first love) and Greyhounds, and we have, on average, one litter every two years to continue our line and have new youngsters to show. We are currently on our eighth generation.

From time to time, over the years, our friends have asked us to take care of their dogs, because they know how we take care of our dogs. Through word of mouth, the requests continued to grow, to the point where we decided to offer our services to the discriminating public on a limited basis.

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