Seth Green (Bio)

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Seth GreenA wolf

Seth Green was born on february 8, 1974 in Overbrook Park, Philadelphia to parents Herb, a maths teacher and Barbara, an artist and became the little brother to Kaela. He attended a public school where he played soccer.

Seth decided at the tender age of 6 to make acting his career after he appeared in a summercamp performance of "Hello Dolly!" A decision he achieved successfully as he's been a Hollywood regular for almost 20 years.

At the age of 13 he played Alyson Hannigan's boyfriend Fred, in "My Stepmother is an Alien!" and then, ten years later he played her boyfriend, Daniel "Oz" Osbourne in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Seth originally had a part in the Buffy movie but all his scenes ended up on the cutting room floor, however a 'still' featuring him was used on the video box!

TRIVIA MOMENT: Jodie Foster's production company is named after Seth's character in "The Hotel New Hampshire" in which she also starred!!

As Seth's filmography is so extensive, here are just a few of the films he's appeared in: "The Italian Job" -2003, "Austin Powers-Goldmember" -2002, "Rat Race" -2001, "Diary Of A Mad Freshman" -2000, "Austin Powers, the Spy Who Shagged Me" -1999, "Cant Hardly Wait" -1998, "Boys Life" -1997, "To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday" -1996, "Notes from Underground" -1995, "Ticks" -1993, "Missing Parents" -1990, "My Stepmother is an Alien!" -1988, "Can't Buy Love" -1987, "Charlies Christmas Wish" -1985 and "Billions for Boris" -1984.

His tv appearances: Mad Tv, Angel, Cybill, Mad About You, The Drew Carey Show, The X-Files as well as adding his voice to many various animated episode's of Batman Beyond!

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