The scariest most dangerous government law change EVER!

2 Conversations

It is in the papers, it is on TV, but most people don't fully see the dangerous implications of the governments latest planned law change.

Here's the plan as they put it. At the moment, dangerous psychopaths are loose on the street - ready to pounce and commit hideous crimes against you or me... the general public. What the government wants to do is have changes in the law (mental health act) allowing for those dangerous people to be locked up before they do anything dangerous. Sounds more or less OK, but is it?

The problem with this proposed law is that it allows state appointed people to say that you are dangerous and lock you up without charge for the rest of your life. It allows state appointed people to say that even though you have NEVER committed any crime, NEVER COMMITTED ANY CRIME, that you can be taken away FOR EVER.

My problem with this proposed law is that it gives powers to state appointed individuals to remove anybody they don't like from society.

The government says that it is intended to be used for serious untreatable mentally ill psychopaths that have re-offended many times. However, even though that is the intention, it is all too easy for it to be used to incarcarate innocent normal people for ANY reason.

This is totally undemocratic.

This could be the most scary evil thing that has happened within this country in modern times.

It scares me!

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