
1 Conversation

Aldi is one of the, if not THE, most succesful German supermarket chains, due to its low prices, which are due to the fact that only non-branded goods are sold, which doesn't matter, since they are exactly the same as equivalent branded goods, just without the brand name. Moreover, Aldi spends very little on advertising and on equipping its stores, e.g. scanners are unheard of.
Their owners (Jacobs family or something) are in the Forbes list of the richest people on earth, and in the eyes of many people they deserve it.
Aldi stores used to be a bum hangout, but in the recent years, they have developed into in-places for grocery shopping, even with the rich und super-rich and mega-rich. This has lead to the appearance of several publications, such as the recipe book "Aldidente", which shows how to cook complete family meals for less than 10 quid by solely using Aldi products.
Although some Aldi stores have been spotted in the UK and the US, they seem to be less succesful abroad than in Germany. Which is a shame.

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