Amber Benson (Bio)

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Amber Nicole BensonA WitchAmber Nicole Benson started life on January 8, 1977 in Birmingham, Alabama.

Amber started dancing before the acting bug bit. At the age of 14, Amber moved to Los Angeles, CA where she did a pilot for a kids show with AJ from the Backstreet Boys, which unfortunately never made it to air. A year later she landed a commercial for and the film, "King of the Hill" for which she was nominated at the 15th Annual Youth in Film Awards. By the end of her teeneage years, Amber had appeared on both the big and small screen as well as on the Stage in "The Nutcracker"

During the 90's Amber appeared in many films including "Imaginary Crimes", "The Crush" and "Bye Bye Love" with Eliza Dushku. In 1999, Amber appeared in "The Prime Gig" and "Hollywood PA", her role in which was specifically written for her!

After just 2 auditions she landed the role of the much loved and missed Tara McClay who died tragically at the hands of Warren!!

In 2001, Amber wrote, directed, produced AND starred in her very own movie, "CHANCE", found time to film in Romania for "Taboo" as well as attending conventions, signings and various other events. Amber also found time in her busy schedule to contribute to many comics as well as co-writing the Buffy novel "Willow and Tara"

Amber currently lives in Los Angeles, with her mom, a dog called Pennsylvania aka Penny and a cat called Benneton aka Benny.

For more info on Amber, check out Are you proud enough to stand up and say; "I'm an Amberholic!"?

Many thanks to Little Willow for all her help!

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