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A red dragon
Evil Willow:"Remember that little spat we had, when you were under the delusion that you were still relevant here, you called me a rank, arrogant amateur! well buckle up Rupert, cause I've turned pro."


Evil Willow:"Willow's a junkie".

Two to go

Evil Willow:"Oh Buffy, you really need to have every
square inch of your ass kicked"

Two to go

Evil Willow:"Uh oh, daddy's home , I'm in wicked trouble now".


Evil Willow:"The only thing I had going for me, were the moments, just moments when Tara would look at me and I was wonderful"

Two to go

Andrew:"I can't wait to get my hands on his orbs".

Buffy:"I'm not exactly quaking in my stylish yet affordable shoes, but these things don't usually lead to hugs and puppies.

Xander:"I could smack you so hard, your eyeballs would switch sockets.

Spike:"I'm the big bad"

Spike:"It won't let me be a monster and I can't be a man".

Tara:"Trust has to be built again on both sides, can we just skip it, can you just be kissing me now".

Spike:"Trust is for old marrieds Buffy. Great love is wild and passionate and dangerous, it burns and consumes".

Anya:"Who's going to notice with all the other lies flying around like little monkeys"

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