West Monroe , Louisiana (An anomoly in the universe)

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I have recently moved to West Monroe, which is located in the great state of Louisiana which is the poorest member of the richest nation currently in existence. West Monroe and its 'sister city' of Monroe have about a combined population of 65,000 carbon based bi-pedal organisms. They resemble human beings but their thought processes have been altered by the strange warp of the fabric of the universe in this area. The effect of this warp is that the entire universe is distilled down to about 20 miles from the center of town. The inhabitants believe that the local area is the best place there is to live on the face of the planet. Their hobbies include spending vast amounts of money on guns, ATV’s and deer food. High School sports are treated with the awe and respect as a visit from the Pope. I will continue to update this subject if someone has an interest. My only hope is to get out of the area before I also get pulled into the vortex.


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